Bonwire SHS Student Ama Diamond In Trouble After Sharing Video of Colleagues Bathing on Tiktok

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A student of Bonwire Senior High School in the Ashanti Region identified as one Ama Diamond is in hot water with school authorities after sharing a video from her dormitory online.

Ama Diamond recorded a video of some colleagues taking their baths from a distance and posted it online.

She reportedly shared it to her TikTok account, leading to the video going viral.

After the video went viral and school authorities caught a wind of what she’d done, Ama reportedly deleted the video from her titkok.

She’s also reported to have deleted her account completely.

Currently, school authorities are reportedly aware of the incident but their actions in regards to Ama Diamond has not been reported.

Watch a reaction to the video below…

The post Bonwire SHS Student Ama Diamond In Trouble After Sharing Video of Colleagues Bathing on Tiktok appeared first on GhanaCelebrities.Com.

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