Two Constraint Poems – Mona Mehas / Art: Robert Frede Kenter

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    My Left Ear

    I developed a problem with my left ear.
    My students debated; which one wasn’t clear
    I bit my tongue, smiled and told them, ‘Sound travels!’
    Always one kid’s sheepish grin turned to a sneer
    Egos bloated to an art; they faced their peers.

    Summers, I served in restaurants and cashiered
    I developed a problem with my left ear
    Dizziness, nausea – I could not see straight
    Beyond that, I functioned; it was hard to hear
    I made change, raked in the tips, laughed, persevered.

    Bands in bars were not the same; cried in my beer
    People spoke, sounds echoed off walls everywhere
    I developed a problem with my left ear
    When someone called my name, I circled around
    Did me no good when they said, ‘I’m over here.’

    I loved Lake Michigan, to find an old pier
    Surrounded by sand, in my soul was held dear
    Ran with cookies, feeding gulls at water’s edge
    I developed a problem with my left ear
    In water with waves, dizziness heightened fear.

    Students learned sound traveled, I could overhear
    I acclimated to my fate through the years
    One doctor had said virus, one disagreed
    Twenty-five years, my life wrapped around Meniere’s
    I developed a problem with my left ear.

    Longing, pt. 2. (suitcase) - a visual poem by Robert Frede Kenter.   Rectangular shaped image green, black, grey and pink (background).  Girders, stadium lights, an abstracted shape (suitcase, record player) bottom left, blurred, asymmetrical, dream

    A Death Sentence

    Angiosarcoma; a death sentence.
    Divorced ten years, our heartbroken journey
    his diagnosis textured no defense
    terminal mistake was made, no pity
    coursing through his blood, cancer was full-blown.

    A life of secrets his brain now betrayed
    Angiosarcoma; a death sentence
    he did not comprehend literature
    or doctors’ big words, surgery offered
    remove the evil, high hopes but no cure.

    Apartments nursing homes hospitals stress
    isolation in throes of pandemic,
    Angiosarcoma; a death sentence.
    Fraught with guilt, tried not to build a fence; he
    called me day and night, his voice low and thick.

    His loneliness relied on others; his
    fate wavered between wanting life or death
    succumbed to reality, pain intense
    Angiosarcoma; a death sentence,
    Same man yet different from early days.

    One night he called and asked me who I was
    his voice crystal, my skin chilled, left unknown
    question – why? No answers, sadness, immense
    last home, hospice, morphine, he died alone.
    Angiosarcoma; a death sentence.

    Author’s Note: I love the challenge and freedom of writing within the constraints of form poetry. It feels like writing in a cage with the lock undone. The form in these two poems is entitle, viator poetry, invented by the Canadian scholar Robin Skelton.

    Mona Mehas (she, her) writes from the perspective of a retired disabled teacher in Indiana USA. A pushcart nominee, her work has appeared in over 70 journals, anthologies, and online museums. Mona’s chapbooks are forthcoming from LJMcD Communications in 2024: Questions I Didn’t Know I’d Asked in March and Hand-Me-Downs in July.  Two of her poems received first place honors in her state contest in 2023. Tweets @Patienc77732097. Follow everywhere at or

    Banner & Image: Longing, Longing #2 (Suitcase) visual poems by Robert Frede Kenter (c) 2024. Twitter: @frede_kenter, I.G.: icefloe22, r.f.k.vispocityshuffle.

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